In-house Therapy Clinic

Therapy provided by

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Pure Health Therapy Services' staff of physical therapists deliver care to patients in areas such as range of motion, gait training, ambulation assistance, wound care, muscular reeducation and other areas of post trauma or post-operative care. We are available to treat patients seven days a week and work closely with all attending physicians. Our main goal is to get the patient back to their highest level of functioning through an interdisciplinary approach with the nursing staff.

Assisted Living Madison Ms Physical Therapy Clinic

Physical Therapy

Our staff of physical therapists delivers care to patients in areas such as range of motion, gait training, ambulation assistance, wound care, muscular reeducation, and other areas of post-trauma or post-operative care. We are available to treat patients seven days a week and work closely with all attending physicians. Our main goal is to get the patient back to their highest level of functioning through an interdisciplinary approach with the nursing staff.

Occupational Therapy

Our occupational therapists are focused on the activities of daily living for our patients. The goal is to get them to be as independent as possible by working closely with our therapists and the nursing staff. We also provide special programs such as contracture management and stroke recovery reeducation.

Speech Therapy

Speech therapists attend to the needs of patients regarding swallowing issues, cognitive deficits, memory programs, and difficulty in speech and language. The therapists work closely with all physicians in setting up and implementing a patient’s plan of care.

Rehabilitation Programs

Pure Health Therapy Services specializes in providing patients with outstanding programs designed around their individual needs while improving their quality of life. We understand that the goals for each patient are very specific, so each plan of care is designed to meet their individual needs.

Our main objective is to ensure that each patient remains as independent as possible through a variety of programs as outlined below.

Range of Motion Programs

Our therapy staff ensures that all patients maintain their highest level of range of motion through regular screenings and measurements.

Ambulation Programs

We work closely with the nursing staff of the facility to ensure that the residents maintain their ability to ambulate independently or with as little assistance as possible.

Contracture Management Programs
Our staff of therapists will ensure that any patient at risk of contractures is properly treated.

Cognitive & Speech Programs

Our staff of speech therapists is trained to deliver care in areas such as cognitive development, swallowing, and basic communication skills. We will provide specific treatments and education training for memory care needs.

Therapeutic Modality Programs

Our therapy staff utilizes modalities that can decrease pain, inflammation, and edema while increasing patient comfort and tolerance to treatment. This enables therapists to introduce more aggressive therapy interventions sooner to help improve function and recovery. Therapeutic
modalities also allow our therapists to treat more complex conditions.

Pure Health Therapy Services accepts Medicare Part B, Private Insurance, Private Pay, and most other third-party payers for services.

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